Wigan Parish Church

A splendid photo gallery of various parts of the Church with some historical detail.

 Visit the Photo Gallery

Short History & Guide

A comprehensive and concise history written by J.O.Colling in 1957


The Rebuilding of Wigan Parish Church in early Victorian times.

A comprehensive and in-depth article investigating the circumstances surrounding the rebuilding of the Church. Thanks to Peter Layland


Ramble Round

The 93 page publication provides an in-depth history of the church, with additional lists of Rectors, Curates and Churchwardens. Also includes some rare illustrations.

The document was compiled by Walter John True and edited by Rev. Edgar Rogers, M.A, - Assistant Priest

Walter John True, hailed from Tidsbury, Wiltshire and initially moved to Wigan to become Coachman to Nathaniel Eckersley, living in at Standish Hall.

By 1901, Walter was the Verger and living at 12, Richmond St with his Wigan born wife, Susannah and a daughter Evelyn Christina.


Unveiling Ceremony of the War Memorial - 1925

This unique document is the order of service used by the Mayor of Wigan, JM Ainscough, on the day. It includes the text of his speech; you can even see some of his hand-written amendments. 


Songs of Praise

From the Parish Church in 1999


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