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HeritageAn introduction to Wigan Heritage Service
HeritageThe History Shop: First in BritainThe opening of the History Shop which will include exhibitions and local studies152Link
LibrariesWigan Library: The early years
PlacesStandish as it wasExhibition at Standish Library164Link
MiningColliery coupThe commercial vehicle Trans-Pennine Run visits Astley Green Colliery225Link
Royal VisitsVisit of HRH Diana, Princess of WalesDiana, Princess of Wales, opened the new Town Hall on 25 November 1991226Link
Family HistoryNews from the ArchivesArticle about a notebook from the mid 18th century belonging to the Farrar family of Higher Hall ,Westleigh227Link
ArchivesThe Thomas Dootson collection: A hidden treasureThomas Dootson was a solicitor who left his large library to Leigh238Link
HealthLife before the NHSNewspaper articles about health249Link
LibrariesWigan Library: The later years
HeritageHistory Shop opens 11 May
ArtistsIsherwoods on view againExhibition of the artist's work in the History Shop2812Link
HeritageA likely storyThe History Shop featured in a children's TV show 'A Likely Lad'2813Link
LeisureWigan at play in days gone byVarious leisure pursuits in the past21014Link
HallsHaigh comes to lifeThe publication of 'Life and time at Haigh Hall' by Donald Anderson21215Link
ArtSir Roger on tour"Sir Roger and Lady Bradsaigh", a painting by Edward Hayley on tour in the North West21216Link
DiariesDear DiaryDiaries held by the Archives Service21417Link
LibrariesWilliam Pink, Leigh Librarian and Amateur GenealogistWilliam Pink was Leigh Borough Librarian 1903-19223418Link
BreweriesOnce a brewery townHistory of Robinson's Brewery3619Link
Local HistoryLocal history for your book-shelfTwo publications from the Heritage Service3820Link
MiningBickershaw machinery moved to Astley Green
WatermillsStandish Hall water corn millThe mill stood in what is now Elnup Wood4422Link
Industrial HistoryIndustry in Victorian WiganIndustries such as iron smelting, cotton spinning and mining4523Link
HallsOwd' Tom Hughes & South Tunley HallThe cyclist Tom Hughes and a photo of him outside the hall41024Link
MusicBook reviewsThomas Pendlebury: a Lancashire craftsman, by Brian Hughes. Pendlebury was an organ-bulder5525Link
QuakersTo defy a kingAccounts of Quakers in Standish5726Link
Family HistoryMigration from the landThe interwoven stories of the Carson and Nurdin families51027Link
WindmillsFrom 'The Friends of Haigh Windmill'A brief history and an invitation to join the Friends51428Link
ChildhoodAspull recalledDigging for coal, working in a mill, and other memories6329Link
BiographyFrancis Merryman and 'The Captain'A local coucillor and publican survived a ship's capsize6530Link
DoctorsF. P. Sturm: A literary Leigh doctorSturm was a doctor and a published poet6531Link
LocomotivesThe story of the Yorkshire HorseRobert Daglish of Haigh Foundry built a locomotive for Orrell Colliery6632Link
EngineeringRemembering Walker Bros. (Wigan) Ltd.Walker Bros built machinery for the mining industry6833Link
Family HistoryMigration from the land (part 2)The interwoven stories of the Carson and Nurdin families61034Link
WindmillsScholes Windmill - early historyLamb's Mill was between 132 & 134 Scholes61435Link
WatermillsArley Hall water millThe mill is in the grounds of Arley Hall, which is now a golf course7536Link
PlacesA community called Bottling WoodThe history of the area7637Link
TransportAlfred Goulding LimitedThe 90th anniversary of the road haulage firm7838Link
DoctorsA Leigh medical playwright, James Sackville MartinJames Martin was a doctor, playwright, poet and actor7939Link
TheatresYear of drama 1994: The Prince of Wales Theatre, LeighOpened 1863, demolished by 187971040Link
ActressesYear of Drama 1994: Lily BraytonLily Brayton was born in Hindley in 1876, and became famous here and abroad71141Link
BiographyA worthy citizenThe life of Robert Barrow of Golborne71442Link
LocomotivesThe story of the Yorkshire Horse [Part 2]Robert Daglish of Haigh Foundry built a locomotive for Orrell Colliery71643Link
MiningMemories of a colliery electrician 1907-1912C A Lamb's recollections of working for Corlett Electrical Engineering Co.71844Link
BiographyA mystery solved: Ellen Weeton's last daysFurther information about her life, and her date and place of death8445Link
PlacesCollection of parish magazines acquired in house clearanceThe Upholland magazines cover the period 1885-19558546Link
BiographyGeorge Olivant obituary, Leigh Chronicle 24 September 1920Reproduction of the obituary8747Link
HeritageThe Spinning Jenny panelThe Heritage Service wished to restore the panel8848Link
DiariesThe diary of Roger Lowe of Ashton-in-Makerfield 1663-1678The Heritage Service published the edited diary8949Link
BiographyNathaniel EckersleyAn account of the famous local MP, mayor and businessman81150Link
MiningA terrrible and painful accident at AbramThe death of a colliery engine driver, Ludovic Berry, in 194581251Link
ChildhoodThe way we were in AspullRecollections of the author's childhood81452Link
Family HistoryContinous Wigan family connection from 1500sThe author traced his Wigan family back to the 16th century9253Link
BiographyDr George Henry Evans and his Pyrotechnic Time SignalThe Leigh doctor burst a shell each day to signal 10pm9354Link
PhotographyNews from the ArchivesThe Archives acquired lantern slides of Edwardian Leigh, taken by Frederick Wynne9455Link
Military HistoryGeorge Derbyshire 1919-1975George Derbyshire was the author of 'The Wigan Military Chronicle' covering various units from 1758 to 19489556Link
TheatresHippodrome WiganRecollections by the author9557Link
ActressesA chat with Miss Lily BraytonLily Brayton was born in Hindley in 1876, and became famous here and abroad9758Link
ChildhoodMemories of HindleyRecollections from 1922 to 19479959Link
ChildhoodObservations of life as a child in Ashton-in-Makerfield during World War ll
MiningRemembering 'Daisy', 'Delia' and 'Dorothy'The anonymous author recalls colliery engines and the reason for the name of Maypole pit [connection with Morris dancing]91361Link
PoetryRequiem for a CollieryAn anonymous poem about the Maypole colliery91362Link
Family HistoryNotes on Sarah CrankThe author traces his extensive research into his ancestor, of Ashton-in-Makerfield91463Link
ChapelsNews from the ArchivesThe Archives acquired the records of the Christian Meeting House, Rodney Street (1858-1989)10464Link
MiningThe Atherton Mill disasterSix [named]  women were killed by the explosion on 21 September 191110765Link
FarmingPlough and FurrowHerbert Worsley recounts his ploughing life in Lowton10866Link
ChildhoodObservations of life as a child in Ashton-in-Makerfield during World War ll: School life
Banks1894-1994 100 years of banking in StandishThe bank opened as a branch of Williams Deacons bank at 2 High Street  (now Royal Bank of Scotland)101368Link
ChildhoodThe way we were in AspullRecollections of the author's childhood101469Link
CrimeWigan murder mystery in 1894The unsolved murder of Richard Blaylock, the landlord of the Crofters Arms in Hallgate, in 1894101570Link
Cotton IndustryNews from the ArchivesA collection of glass slides from Howe Bridge Spinning Company mills11471Link
ChildhoodA schoolgirl's reminiscences of life on the pit browVisits to Victoria Colliery, Standish, during the early 1950s11572Link
PrehistoryFurther Stone Age discoveries in UphollandPrehistoric artefacts at Jollies i'the Dean Farm11673Link
ClergyNotes on Jacob Robson, first vicar of TyldesleyJacob Robson, born 1799, became the first vicar in 1842,and died in 185111774Link
Military HistoryWe remember them too!Reminiscences of family and society in World War ll11875Link
Local HistoryHard times in Edwardian WiganInformation from a manuscript by William Henry Evans111076Link
ChildhoodMediterranean charmObservations of life as a child in Ashton-in-Makerfield during World War ll [Part 3]111277Link
ChildhoodAppley BridgeThe author's reminiscences111478Link
Family HistoryA long way round to Wigan PierThe anonymous author traces his Wren ancestors111579Link
WindmillsNew Jersey tombstone leads to link with Wigan windmillThe tombstone of Daniel Lamb records his Wigan birth. He had owned shares in the Scholes windmill.12680Link
Schools"I amused the children this dinnertime by parading on the velocipede"The logbook of Atherton Wesleyan Methodist School, Lamberhead Green, kept by teacher William Lord from 1865 to 187112781Link
PlacesBook reviewsStandish: Corn Mills and Millers, by Adrian Morris12882Link
Local HistoryHard times in Edwardian Wigan [Part 2]Information from a manuscript by William Henry Evans121083Link
BiographyFrom the pit to the Peerage: the Gordon MacDonald storyThe former miner became MP for Ince in 1929, then Governor of Newfoundland and was made a peer in 1949121384Link
ChildhoodMore memories of Hindley
Corn MillsStandish Hall corn millArchaeological excavations in Elnup Wood, Shevington121686Link
HeraldryThe County Borough of Wigan Coat of ArmsThe Coat of Arms from 1922 to 197413287Link
ShopsI remember when…The author remembers Woolworths in Standishgate13388Link
Theatres"Fierce fire guts Wigan's Theatre"The fire which destroyed the Hippodrome in 1956: an account by fireman Henry Haddock13589Link
ChartersWigan - A Borough- 1216-1996A special supplement to celebrate the granting of the town's charter13990Link
Military History"I was born on VE Day"Mrs Coleman was chosen to represent Wigan in the 50th anniversary celebrations  of VE Day in London.131791Link
House HistoryLime House, Lowton, and Mr P T Eckersley MPOccupants of the house from 1903, including the MP and Lancashire cricket captain, killed on active service in the war132092Link
Town TwinningNews from the Archives: the French connectionAn exhibition of items connected with the French twin town of Angers14493Link
ChildhoodShevington New HallThe author recalls her childhood at the hall when her parents worked there14594Link
PoliceBook reviewsPolicing Wigan, by James Fairhurst14895Link
World War lBook reviewsThe finest of all: Local men on the Somme 1st July 191614896Link
Art GalleriesThe Wickham GalleryThe opening of the gallery in the History Shop14997Link
BiographyWilliam Woolstencroft, a Leigh worthyWilliam Woolstencroft was manager of the Hippodrome theatre, and Mayor of Leigh 1951-52141398Link
VehiclesBook reviewPagefield motor vehicles, by Tom Meadows141399Link
SchoolsHindley & Abram Grammar SchoolThe author's reminiscences1414100Link
MiningA long haunted SummerThe 1926 general strike which united miners and transport workers1416101Link
BiographyI remember whenThe author recollects industry around Wigan Pier154102Link
CanalsStandish Festival canal trip (1996)The description and history of a stretch of the Leeds- Liverpool canal156103Link
BiographyA visit to Wigan - 84 years later                                                                                                       An American traced the family of her father, born in Wigan157104Link
PlacesMore about Bottling WoodThe history of the area158105Link
BiographyPhilip Larkin - The Leigh connectionLarkin's mother, Eva Emily Day, lived in Leigh159106Link
BiographyA daft ladThe life of Owen Davies of Tyldesley1512107Link
CinemasThe Regal cinema, LeighThe cinema opened in 1938 on the corner of King Street and Spinning Jenny Street1515108Link
SchoolsAn important news bulletin will follow…Three reminiscences of Hindley and Abram Grammar School1516109Link
MiningA tribute to Harry PottsHarry Potts was former chairman of the Red Rose Steam Society1518110Link
WrestlingWigan's world championsPhotographs of past wrestling champions163111Link
WeavingSilk weaving in Lowton 1827 to 1910
ShopsWoolies' article triggered off personal memoriesRecollections of former shops and restaurants168113Link
CinemasFrom a Leigh fourth, third and second projectionistMemories of the Regal cinema, Leigh168114Link
BiographyInteresting letter from a 'Down Under' 89 year oldMemories of life in Golborne from birth in 1908169115Link
SchoolsHAGS - school recordsExtracts from the records of Hindley and Abram Grammar School1612116Link
ShopsNo. 8 Wigan Road, HindleyRecollections of the Temperance Bar and Herbalist1614117Link
SchoolsWho was the 'Baron'?Recollections of Hindley and Abram Grammar School1614118Link
BiographyI remember whenMore recollections of industry around Wigan Pier1615119Link
BiographyA family funeralAn 1888 account by Alfred H Lamb of Bellingham Lodge1616120Link
RoadsTracing the ancient highway from Wigan to StandishTracing history via a walk from Gidlow Lane to Standish173121Link
BiographyWigan's pioneer lady councillorThe life of Mary Elizabeth Hart (nee Connell)176122Link
ChurchesAtherton Parish ChurchThe refurbishment of the 1879 church177123Link
WorkhousesThowd Work Heause (or Mount Tabor), LowtonThe 11 cottages were demolished in 1939178124Link
ChapelsThe treasure of Park LaneThe Brindle family's connections with Park Lane chapel, Ashton-in-Makerfield1712125Link
SwimmingTyldesley Swimming Club - the forgotten yearsThe club was formed in 18761714126Link
ArtistsArthur Turner 1892-1964 Artist: An appreciation by his daughter, EvaThe miner and artist, who drew enemy gun positions in WWl183127Link
PoetryA Standish poem, 1756The poem was probably addressed to Cecilia, who was married to William Towneley, and inherited the estate in 1755 on the death of her father Ralph.184128Link
ActorsMr Robert Donat's recitals (form the Leigh Chronicle 15 February 1924)Robert Donat, then an elocution student, gave two recitals in Leigh185129Link
MiningFrom the Manchester Guardian, 16 March 1875The Leigh Chronicle records Hindley miners recalling 'barbaric' wagers they made to win a gallon of beer185130Link
BreweriesMemories of Haigh BreweryJ F Moore worked there in the 1920 and 1930s186131Link
BiographyI remember whenThe author recollects life around Wigan Pier188132Link
Family HistoryLives of a Victorian family revealed in a scrapbookThe text and photos reveal the lives of the Lang family of Charnock Richard 189133Link
Banks1922-1997: 75 years of banking in Standish (part 2)Opened as a branch of Williams Deacons bank at 2 High Street  (now Royal Bank of Scotland)1812134Link
MiningThe Lancashire and Cheshire Miners' Permanent Relief SocietyThe society was founded in Wigan in 1872; Canon Bridgeman was the first president1814135Link
SchoolsAshton Grammar School - and all thatRecollections beginning in 19381816136Link
SchoolsHindley & Abram Grammar SchoolNotes for parents of new entrants 1964-651819137Link
RecollectionsWigan Dole School?The author asks for more details of the unemployment centre1823138Link
TransportOn the (Wigan) buses for 47 yearsAlfred Rouse was a bus driver for the Corporation, who drove the last Wigan tram192139Link
BiographyLeigh - did you know?Arthur Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia, which came to the rescue of Titanic survivors, was married in Atherton194140Link
ChildhoodSweet nostalgiaRecollections of boyhood in Abram195141Link
BreweriesMemories of Haigh Brewery (part 2)J F Moore worked at the brewery in the 1920 and 1930s196142Link
BiographyMemories from the life of James Albert DaviesHis formative years in Aspull and Coppull 1912-1925198143Link
HeritageFriendsThe launch of the Friends of Wigan Heritage Service1912144Link
RecollectionsAshton-in-Makerfield in the 1930s
ActressesViola SmartThe stage and screen actress (stage name Viola Keats) lived in Golborne 204146Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849)Ellen Weeton's letters and journals include recollections of her time spent in Upholland205147Link
BreweriesMemories of Haigh Brewery (part 3)J F Moore worked there in the 1920 and 1930s206148Link
BiographyMemories from the life of James Albert Davies (part 2)The years from 1926 onwards208149Link
Music"Come welcome the New Year with anthems of joy"Singers from Roby Mill used to go carolling on New Year's Eve, beginning in the 1860s2011150Link
RecollectionsAshton-in-Makerfield just before and during World War ll
MuseumsAstley Green Colliery MuseumDevelopments in the museum (now the Lancashire Mining Museum)2016152Link
SwimmingAshton Swimming Baths - a noteThe baths opened in 1910 but closed shortly afterwards because of subsidence2017153Link
SchoolsSacred Heart School, Hindley Green (early 1930s)
Family HistoryDescendants of Robert Arkwright (born 1606) wantedThe author also records the death of John Arkwright in 1904 in Springs Branch colliery2022155Link
BiographyJohn Faiclough (1854-1923)Became the first mayor of Leigh in 1899, and a freeman of the borough214156Link
BiographyThe illustrious 'Little' SteveStephen Walsh, brought up in the workhouse, became a miner, then MP for Ince and the Secretary of State for War in the first Labour government215157Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849) Governess: From Lancaster to UphollandEllen Weeton's letters and journals include recollections of her time spent in Upholland216158Link
ChildhoodA Poolstock childhood c. 1920The author was born in 1919219159Link
BiographyMemories from the life of James Albert DaviesHis experiences as a young teacher in the 1930s2111160Link
AuthorsHenry Josiah Atty's wonderful bookHenry Atty was the author and illustrator of 'Edwardian Rambles'2113161Link
ChapelsRecord breaking chapelThe building of Jireh Baptist Chapel, Orrell2116162Link
BiographyI remember whenThe author recollects life after World War l2119163Link
War MemorialsSecond World War memorials in metropolitan Wigan
RecollectionsAshton-in-Makerfield during the 1930s
BiographyWhite Hope, or searching for Great Uncle HarryThe author researched her uncle, an amateur boxer who was killed on the Somme224166Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849) Governess: Village life - coarse and fineEllen Weeton's letters and journals include recollections of her time spent in Upholland226167Link
BiographyRev. John Braithwaite (1754-1812)John Braithwaite was headmaster of Upholland School, and a curate there and at St George's in Wigan227168Link
PoetryMiss Weeton, the great walker and versifierEllen Weeton's poem about Dean Wood228169Link
PoetryDown thereJack Daniels' poem about a pit accident in 1929229170Link
BiographyMemories from the life of James Albert DaviesHis experiences during the Second World War2210171Link
MapsSew for the MillenniumA national project for communities to create parish maps2213172Link
PlacesOne hundred years oldCelebrations to mark the centenary of Leigh being made a municipal borough2214173Link
BiographyLet's talk WigginThe author has recorded memories from his elderly ancestors2218174Link
WrestlingWigan wrestlers at the AlhambraSeveral Wigan wrestlers competed at a national event in London in 19102220175Link
MuseumsThe Museum of the CenturyOpie's Museum of Memories opened at Trencherfield Mill2221176Link
MiningGiant's Hall colliery, Standish Lower Ground, near WiganThe author's father was manager in the 1920s and 30s2223177Link
AuthorsHow George Orwell took a running jump at Wigan Pier - and missedThe author reproduces his 1984 Guardian article taking issue with Orwell's description of Wigan and Wiganers2226178Link
RestaurantsA lost eating house: Roy's CaféRoy's Café, started by the Gorner family, was at the junction of Marsden Street and Hope Street233179Link
PlacesIt happened in Ince The history of Ince from the earliest times234180Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849) Governess: Pastures newEllen Weeton's later life in Liverpool and Kendal237181Link
BiographyThomas Rawlinson Weeton (1781-1845)The life of Ellen Weeton's brother239182Link
MiningSir Henry Hall - The miners' friendHenry Hall was HM Chief Inspector of Mines for Lancashire and North Wales2310183Link
HospitalsWigan Infirmary in the early yearsThe Royal Albert Edward Infirmary opened in 18732311184Link
DialectIs your dialect really necessary?The author wished to promote the Wigan dialect2317185Link
RecollectionsMore memories of Ashton-in-Makerfield in the 1930s
ShopsA clean sheetThe first launderette was in New York in 1945; the first in the Wigan area was in Atherton in 19492321187Link
ChildhoodEarly days in Hindley
CelebrationsUnparalled scenes 100 years ago: Wigan and District on Mafeking nightThe ending of the siege of Mafeking  in the Boer war was celebrated by the public243189Link
BiographyWilliam Maskell PeaceWilliam Peace was a solicitor who was closely associated with the mining industry, and helped to secure the establishment of Mesnes Park248190Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849) Governess: Work, pleasure and drama…Ellen Weeton's adventures in the Lake District249191Link
CourtsCursing King George at the Bull and DogIn 1817 John Hart was charged with defaming the King in the Bull and Dog Inn2412192Link
MapsMapping the MillenniumThe Millennium map, in 28 sections, was to be exhibited around the Borough2413193Link
BiographyI remember whenThe author recalls his long association with cars2416194Link
DialectLanky Twang, or Language in its warkin' clooasThe differences in styles of speech within Wigan2417195Link
BiographyTamperin' wi' t'moon: the life of Lydia Fletcher (1845-1933)The author's ancestor worked in a weaving mill2420196Link
Rugby LeagueAlbert V Twose (A reader's reminiscence)Albert Twose played for Wigan for a short time from 19312424197Link
HockeyBully off!The author's recollections of men's and women's teams2426198Link
PoliceWigan's longest serving Chief ConstableTom Pey was Chief Constable from 1921 to 1946255199Link
World War lThe bombing of Wigan, 12 April 191827 Zeppelins were dropped in Wigan districts256200Link
BiographyI remember whenThe author recalls the effects of poverty in the 1920s258201Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849) Governess: The stage coach traveller
ChildhoodThe exploited generationMemories of a 1930s childhood in Wigan2512203Link
RecollectionsMay Day Recalling the May Day parades and May Queens2512204Link
PoetryThe Lamplighter's PoleDialect poem2513205Link
MillenniumMapping the MillenniumCelebrations of the Millennium in the Borough2516206Link
BiographyTamperin' wi' t'moon: the life of Lydia Fletcher (1845-1933) (2)The author's ancestor worked in a weaving mill2518207Link
RecollectionsMore memories of Ashton-in-Makerfield in the 1930s
ChildhoodChildhood reminiscences of HaighThe author lived in Winstanley Farm, Haigh, from 19072524209Link
PoetryMy Owd Case ClockDialect poem2529210Link
CinemasPrince's Cinema openingAnna Neagle attended the cinema opening in 19352531211Link
War MemorialsA constant pledge - An obligation fulfilledThe memorial was unveiled on 17 October 1925263212Link
MiningPit brow girls' protestA deputation to the Home Office in 1911 in protest at the plan to exclude women workers from mines265213Link
DancingDance to the music of timeRecollections of Miss Gee's School of Dancing268214Link
DancingDance to the music of timeRecollections of Miss Gee's School of Dancing268215Link
DancingTake your partners pleaseRecollections of ballroom dancing in venues around the borough269216Link
Request for information about named dance venues269217Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849) Governess: 'Spare the rod and spoil the child'Ellen Weeton's time as a governess in Huddersfield2610218Link
StatuesThe strange case of the vanishing statueAn appeal to restore the Boer War statue in Mesnes Park on the war's centenary2613219Link
MillenniumMapping the MillenniumA summary of events around the Borough2614220Link
MillenniumWigan 2000: the way we areCelebrating the Millennium and the people of the Borough2616221Link
World War llThe first two years of World War llRecollections of a pupil in Ashton Grammar School2619222Link
NursingFrom Wigan to world tour: the life of Mary Alicia Hodkinson 1912-1995Mary Hodkinson was born in Wigan, emigrated to Australia and became a nurse2620223Link
BiographyI remember when…The author recalls his motor bikes and cars2622224Link
PoliceWigan Borough police - a tale from the graveyard shiftReproduction of the recollections of Sergeant Newcombe, from 1881 to 19022623225Link
RecollectionsGod's good fresh airThe author's visit to his brother in hospital by bicycle, and a later serious car accident 2624226Link
ChildhoodCoal fires and loved faces: memories of an Ince childhood
PoetryThe beauty of InceAn anonymous poem, dating from at least the 1940s2631228Link
BiographyThe Dr Mary Tomlinson storyMary Tomlinson became a medical missionary in India273229Link
ElectionsElection fever? You ain't seen nuthin!The election in Wigan in 1857 in which Francis Sharp Powell and Henry Woods were elected274230Link
DancingI won't dance - don't ask meThe author's childhood attempts at dancing278231Link
HealthThe Great Stink of StandishReproduction of an 1859 letter to the Wigan Board of Health about a noxious smell from a factory278232Link
SingersStreet singer who conquered empiresMary Connolly, a native of Ireland, who worked at Pretoria Pit, became famous in the UK and Ireland279233Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849), Governess: Persecution and despairEllen Weeton's disastrous marriage to Aaron Stock and her forced separation from her daughter Mary 2710234Link
SchoolsParr Hall: boarding academy for young ladies: Principal William GrundyThe school to which Aaron Stock sent Mary, his and Ellen Weeton's daughter2712235Link
AircraftCrash landing at Aspull: the tale of an American B24 Liberator bomberA bomber crashed in Hall Lane, Aspull, after taking off from Burtonwood on 27 August 19432714236Link
PoliceWigan Borough police: a tale from the graveyard shiftAn account from a police sergeant in 1902 revealing the extent of child cruelty at the time2718237Link
World War llReminiscences of events in Atheron township in 1941The damage caused by German aircraft releasing ordnance over the town2719238Link
ParksYesterday in the parkRecollections of childhood visits to Mesnes Park2721239Link
BiographyI remember whenThe author recounts collecting cigarette cards and attending a debating society2722240Link
BiographyGreat Grandma AliceThe adventurous life and three marriages of Alice Skillicorn-Nichols-Latchford2724241Link
BiographyThe Hilton family - from Aspull to AustraliaThe author's grandparents moved to Australia in 19122726242Link
HospitalsThe state of the National Health ServiceThe author's recollection of Billinge Hospital when visiting relatives, and later as a nurse2727243Link
SchoolsGidlow Girls' Senior School 1939-42The author's recollections of school life2729244Link
DancingDancing days - the sequelThe author provides the names of more dancing establishments in the borough2730245Link
World War lReluctant soldiers: Wigan's conscript tribunals 1916-1918The members of the conscript tribunal, and some of the cases they heard284246Link
PoetryChurch Walking Day
RecollectionsAnother fine mess you've got me into, StanleyRecollections by Stan Morris, recorded by his nephew288248Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849), Governess: 'In heavenly love abiding'Ellen Weeton's religious faith2810249Link
ReligionChristianity in the 'Age of Reason'A survey of religion in Britain in the 18th century2811250Link
ReligionIndependent Dissent and secession in Wigan 1775-1825
Local GovernmentA Town Clerk's storyThe life and career of William Tyrer2814252Link
RecollectionsPerpetuum mobileRecollections with an emphasis on motor vehicles2815253Link
TransportI remember when…The difficulties of driving in wartime2821254Link
ParksMemories of days in the parkRecollections of Mesnes Park2822255Link
SchoolsMemories of the Central School, Ashton-in-MakerfieldThe career of teacher Percival Clifford Ralls2823256Link
World War llLife in the Grenadier GuardsThe author volunteered from Wigan, and was at Salerno and Monte Cassino2825257Link
ChildhoodChildhood sounds of the 1920s and 1930sThe knocker-up, clogs, trams, music, etc.2827258Link
Ancient HistoryThe history of Tel-al-AmarnaThe work of egyptologist, John Pendlebury, whose grandfather founded Pendlebury & Co. Ltd2828259Link
Shops"Wigan is a grand old town, the Romans knew it well"Recollections of Baines grocery store, Darlington Street2830260Link
FestivalsQueen at the annual May Day festival (14 May 1909)The author's mother was crowned festival queen in Golborne2832261Link
SwimmingThe lovely ladies of Coop's swimming club
TheatresJonathan Dewhurst - the Lancashire tragedianJonathan Dewhurst was a leading actor, and managed Leigh Theatre Royal293263Link
RecollectionsEvery picture tells a storyMemories of Ashton-in-Makerfield294264Link
WitchesThe witches of WiganThe 17th century witch craze, including Isabella Rigby of Hindley297265Link
Family HistoryThe Hitchen name in Wigan: some clues to the pastBeginning with Peter Hitchen b. 1784298266Link
BiographyEllen Weeton (1776-1849), Governess: Final daysEllen Weeton lived in Standishgate from 1827 to 18442910267Link
ChildhoodThe ghost of Christmas pastChildhood Christmases in Wigan2913268Link
PubsMarket Hotel, Wigan, 1931-1976The author's father and grandfather were licensees2914269Link
ScoutsAway the ladsLeigh parish church Scout camp in Filey in 19342916270Link
PlacesAspull - the story of a villageThe cover of a new book, designed by Gerald Rickards2920271Link
RecollectionsA time long agoRecollections of Scholes from 1920 to 19322922272Link
ClergyRev. Alfred Williams Momerie (1848-1900)For a short time Alfred Momerie was a priest in Leigh2924273Link
Biography"Our Clifford" as told by Mrs Margaret Young to her nephew, Bill Chaloner, 2001The life of Clifford Young, who was part of bomber crew in WWll. Includes his own account of bailing out.2926274Link
SchoolsA matter of beliefA teacher's unkind correction of spelling at Marylebone primary school2930275Link
RecollectionsLetters and articles about 'The Hut' in Stoney Lane, Hindley
Rugby LeagueIt's simple!The author's father played for the Ince All Blacks2934277Link
Hospitals"'Supported by voluntary subscriptions"The author included a list of Wigan Infirmary subscriptions from 1899-19002935278Link
ClubsLeft Book Club, Leigh